Associate Membership

Associate membership is granted at the discretion of the BusVic Board, to suppliers (persons, firms or organisations other than bus operators) directly or indirectly connected with the bus industry and who as such are interested in promoting the objects of the Association, upon such terms and conditions as the Board may determine.

This yearly membership is paid in full upon joining BusVic and then once per year at the renewal time designated by BusVic.

Associate Members - Suppliers of bus and coach products/services to the industry that add value to bus operator's businesses



Membership Fee  - which includes membership privileges and services (see Associate Membership Benefits Flyer below)




Associate Membership Application

BusVic Membership Application


Associate Membership Benefits

Please refer to the Associate Membership standard inclusions in the flyer Partner Packages below.

Partnership Packages Flyer

Association Code Of Ethics

This Code of Ethics ("The Code") has been prepared and adopted by the Bus Association Victoria Inc ("BAV"). The Code governs the conduct of all BAV members and many of the provisions of the Code are a re-statement of principles and practices which have been observed by BAV members for many years.

Code of Ethics

Association Rules

If accepted for Membership, members are bound to and must abide by the Association Rules.

BusVic Rules - 2024

Privacy Policy

If accepted for Membership, members are bound to and must abide by the Association Rules.

BusVic Privacy Policy