Bus Operator Membership

Membership is granted at the discretion of the Association’s Board, to any person, partnership, firm or company accredited or exempt from accreditation under the Bus Safety Act to operate bus services within the state of Victoria. Prospective members should read the Association Code of Ethics, and Association Rules documents at the bottom of this page prior to applying for membership. 

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Associate Membership - Suppliers

Associate membership is granted at the discretion of the Association’s Board, to persons, firms or organisations other than bus operators directly or indirectly connected with the bus industry and who as such are interested in promoting the objects of the Association, upon such terms and conditions as the Board may determine.

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Partner Program

BusVic Partners are strongly aligned with the Association and our members. They hold similar values to the Association and are dedicated to supporting our members to assist them to remain as competitive, relevant, safe and efficient as possible in today's challenging operational and regulatory environment.

Their strong commitment to the Association allows them exclusive opportunities to engage with our members in a wide variety of ways.

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Life Membership

On the recommendation of Board, the Association may appoint any person as an Honorary Life Member at its Annual General Meeting in recognition of the services carried out by that person to the Industry or to the Association.

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